

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Day 1 - My Values

Everyone seems to have their price.  How much am I worth today and how do I increase my value, because my value seems low?  How did it get so low?

According to 1% of the population, 99% of the population are valued as less than me, and somehow because of this it will become fact that my life will be valued more.  I will get all of the opportunities and advantages of education, money, healthcare, food, vacations while most in this world will not.  And when I get old and die, my value takes a complete plunge and is placed in the ground (or incinerated to ash) and forgot about.

For you my value may be defined in what I can do for you or give you.  And in return to keep the relationship going, I may value you in what you can provide for me in my own self-interest, and otherwise this relationship wouldn't continue anymore.

Is it possible to be able to offer each other something without expecting anything in return, because I see you as myself?  What would happen if everyone were to do the same, and could see themselves in another?  All doing for another what they would like to have done for them.  What would the outcome of that be?   

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