

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Day 28 - Living life in the gutter (Part 3)

Self-commitment statements...

I commit myself to stop the ignorance that I exist as and instead educate myself on a daily basis of what atrocities are being committed in this world through reading the news for at least 15 minutes per day.

I commit myself to take personal responsibility for the suffering and struggle of those born into this world without the support and assistance that they need to live a life of dignity.

I commit myself to see/realize/understand that I am equal to and one with every other being in this world, and as such have equal responsibility for their well-being.

I commit myself to support myself in my process of re-birthing myself from the physical, so that I may support and assist others.

When and as I see myself despise another person that I perceive as ‘helping the less fortunate’ for their own self-interest to feel better about themselves, I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that in ‘despising’ another person, I am in fact despising a part of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from.  I see/realize/understand that I have in fact helped the ‘less fortunate’ to feel better about myself, all the while accepting a world that has ‘fortunate’ and ‘less fortunate’ people, instead of doing what must be done to ensure that all are given the gift of a life with dignity. – I commit myself to stop the anger and judgment towards others, and accept the reality of my own self-interest.  I commit myself to investigate and see for myself, the self-interest that exists within myself through what I see in others as myself in my outer reality.  As without, so within.  

I commit myself to stop the apathetic nature of myself towards the plight of those that ‘got the short end of the stick’ and do all that is neccessary to be done to ensure that all get what is needed to live a life of dignity.

I commit myself to investigate where the self-interest lies within myself, through writing and self-forgiveness, and immediately doing corrective action to change myself to what is best for all, to help contribute to a world that will be best for all.

I commit myself to doing what is best for all, which includes daily consistent participation in my own process of re-birthing self from the physical through the 7 year journey to life blogs, participating in the Desteni forums, the Desteni I Process and personal research into the current systems that are in place.  I realize that this process will be met with resistance, and it is my will to breathe in these times to push through when these resistances arise.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Day 27 - Living in the Gutter (Part 2)

This blog is continued from Day 26 - Living in the Gutter (Part 1)...

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress the fact that 1 out of every 6 people on this earth will be born into a world of poverty, suffering and struggle.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe it to be not my responsibility that people are born into this world with a 100% chance of living a life of dignity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to simply live a quiet life of ignorance in the face of cruel abuse and suffering, constantly coming up with excuses and justifications of why it is not my place to support those of this world that are in need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attack, in every way imaginable, those that do make an attempt to ensure everyone is given a life of dignity from birth on.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I attack those that work to give a life of dignity to all, because I see them as a threat to the existence of my own status quo and how I look compared to them (ie. they make me look bad).

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to label/define those that attempt to make change in this world as 'having self-interest' for doing what they do, instead of accepting and allowing myself to see/realize/understand that the self-interest lies within myself.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that when I get angry and judge another as 'acting in self-interest', I am showing a part of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that the 'self-interest' that I see in another, in fact exists within myself, and when I perpetuate the anger and judgment, I am only continuing to suppress/fuel the self-interest and separation.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that if in fact I was a benevolent being that had any ounce of care for this world, I would stop all judgments/backchats/thoughts/internal conversations towards all others in the realization that I am equal to and one with them, and when I judge them, I am in fact placing judgment on myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to act in self-interest, within the choice of ignorance over that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that choosing ignorance over that which is best for all, will in fact only work to suppress and delay the reality and the inevitable consequences that will ultimately be faced.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my apathy towards the plight of those 'living in the gutter', with the justifications that 'they happened to get the short end of the stick' and 'that's just the way things are'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed such an abusive system to exist that would allow such atrocities to exist.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that in choosing to not do anything about the current abusive system, a choice to perpetuate the abuse is made on my behalf.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perpetuate the abuse in this world through not participating in the process of system reform that would ensure that every life birthed into this world would be one of dignity without abuse or suffering.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that a system reform change that will ensure that every life will one of dignity, will require a drastic reform change in myself, causing a re-birthing of self into that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that this re-birthing process into that which is best for all, will include the transformation of myself through writing myself to freedom in the 7 year journey to life blogs, participating in forums and through the Desteni I Process, as well as personal research into the systems currently in place.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Day 26 - Living in the Gutter (Part 1)

Getting the punt from the system is a fear that I see exists within myself.  Like for example, if all of a sudden I was to get fired from my job and couldn't pay the bills.  But really, take that even further, and imagine you were punted so far out of the system that not only could you not pay your bills, but you could not get access to clean water/electricity/health care or just basic help.  This is infact a reality for a lot of people in the world now, as stated by organizations that tally up these kind of statistics.

What can be said of the world that has been created when there is a 1 out 6 chance that you will be born into this world in extreme poverty?

Did You Know?

  • About one billion people, one-sixth of the world's population, live on less than $1 per day.
  • The U.S. currently spends $450 billion on its military, but only about $16 billion in official development assistance.
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 15 of every 100 children die before the age of five. In western Kenya, fertilizer costs more than twice what it costs in France or the U.S. Ethiopia is so deforested that rural households cannot use manure as fertilizer because they need it as cooking fuel.
  • The rich countries have repeatedly promised to give $210 billion (0.7% of their incomes) in official development assistance, but only give $69 billion.
  • Because of HIV/AIDS, life expectancy in crisis countries like Botswana has dropped to below 40 years.
  • Millions of people, mostly children, die from malaria every year. For about $3 billion from the rich world, 2 million malaria deaths could be averted.
  • $25 billion a year would be enough to deliver life-saving health services to the low-income countries. The U.S. has recently given $200 billion per year in tax cuts.
  • Preliminary estimates show that the Millennium Development Goals can be met if foreign aid were increased by $75 billion per year, well within the promise of 0.7%.

These statistics and questions about the statistics seem to fall on deaf ears for the most part, and only when its really rammed in your face, like when someone is jingling a cardboard Unicef box at you, do you put in a few bucks, although only to get that person off your back.

When it comes to the leaders and great communicators of our countries (government and media), the same ear-wax build-up problem seems to crop up again when the sounds of these statistics come around.  The truth is that there are other more profitable distractions to attend to, which is in turn dished out to the masses to feast on.

We feel for the less fortunate - we really do, it's just that we consume ourselves with other readily available distractions that satisfy our self-interest.  Really, we have our own lives to live, memories to create and re-live, good times to be had and on top of that we have bills to pay, so that we can maintain our current spot that we do have in the system.  Because if we were to lose this spot, we would join the 1 out of 6 that don't have a hope in hell of living a life worth living in dignity.  So we just shut-up, tow the line, live our lives with blinders, sometimes laughing, sometimes complaining about our boss or the government or the auto-body shop that charged too much, as we stay secretly grateful and at the same time ingnorant of the mundane narrow limited life that we live. 

Doesn't it seem odd that at the same time that 1 out of 6 will live in extreme poverty, a good portion of the rest will most likely struggle to pay the bills and maintain the limited life that they lead?  Something just doesn't add up.


Saturday, 28 December 2013

Day 25 - Aspirations for Greatness (Part 2)

This blog is a continuation from Day 24 - Aspirations for Greatness? (part 1)

When and as I see myself go into competition with other co-workers – I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am.  – I see/realize/understand that this competition and comparison in separation with my co-worker stems from an imagination that I created for myself of what job position I was going to be, that was based on an accepted and allowed value system that I had adopted, where a CEO is more valuable, and the janitor is the least amount of value, because their paychecks are different, when in fact, their values as life are valued the same, as proven through the process of birth and death.  I see/realize/understand that my co-workers most likely have had the exact same imaginations where they would also like to climb the corporate ladder to a position of money and power, and if their life is of equal value to mine as shown through the process of birth and death, then their ambitions must also be equal to mine, and so defining my/their ambitions as less than through the character of competition is utterly useless and goes against all foundations of life.  – I commit myself to stop any hostilities and competition towards any other co-workers in order to climb the corporate ladder, in the realization that their life and ambitions are of equal value to mine.  I commit myself to investigate the origins of such a dream creation and stop the movement of myself in self-interest and self-direct myself in that which is best for all, as all life is equal.

When and as I see myself judge another in separation as more or less than me based on the perceived value to the world system/company (job position), I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that the value system that I accept and allow, which is solely based on the amount that the resource can yield in profits to the current world system is not in fact real and is simply a collectively agreed on belief or idea that does not value life in anyway.  I see/realize/understand that if the current abusive valuing system can exist, it can be stopped and replaced with a new system that values all life here equally.  I see/realize/understand that as long as I hold onto this idea/belief of value, that it will continue to exist and abuse will continue.   I see/realize/understand that in the current narrow view that I define myself and others, I place limitations on myself and thus imprison myself and others in this world. – I commit myself to stop defining others in the narrow view of where they fall into the positions of the world system.  I commit myself to treat all as I would like to be treated without prejudice and judgment of them based on their position.  I commit myself to value all life as the physical equally as the most value, and stop the valuing of life based on the ideas/perception/beliefs of value as defined by profits within the world system.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Day 24 - Aspirations for Greatness? (part 1)

In regards to my future, I always thought that one day I would become a Vice President of a company.  For some reason not the President (I fear having too much notoriety), or not even an entry level personnel (fear of being a bottom-feeder), or not the owner (fear the responsibility), or not this or not that.  It was always specific and that was an upper-level manger like a VP.  That is what I believed that my Desteni would be.  

I look at these figures in a company as more than, like they are all that and a bag of chips.  People to look up to, to stride to be like.  They are just more important than everyday peons.  They are in a league of their own.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I will be a higher level manager someday at a large company.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that becoming a higher-level manager at a large company is my destiny and that if I don’t meet this vision, I will somehow not meet my life objective.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the full-fillment of my life within the narrow vision of wearing a suit and tie everyday to work as an ‘important’ manager in a large company.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define upper-level managers as more important and more valuable than others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the worth of a person based on my own created belief of what the world system would value that person on.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that the current monetary compensation people receive, as per their defined ‘position’ in the world system, exists because of the collective acceptances and allowances, which include my own.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to subscribe to the notion that those that are more instrumental and pivotal in upholding the structure of the current world system are also more important, more valuable and ultimately more-than, and thus should be respected and perceived as such.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blindly follow and manipulate myself into believing that upholding the current abusive world system is a respectable and valuable plight that is worthy of being regarded as more than.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that in seeking to be respectable, valuable and held in high regard within a strong/pivotal position within the world system, I am in fact separating myself from myself and saying that I define myself and all life here in the moment as less than, within a polarity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from those that I see as upholding the world system currently, instead of accepting and allowing myself to see/realize/understand that I am equally responsible for upholding the current system through the acceptances and allowances that exist within myself.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that my starting point for desiring/wanting to be important to the world system is based in the fear of not having any value and believing that this idea is in fact true.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the thought of ‘not having any value, because I don’t have a lot of money or power in the current system’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the thought of ‘not having any value, because I don’t have a lot of money or power in the current system’, and the negative emotion of fear, thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my own fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I don’t have any money in the current system, because, comparatively I don’t have a lot of money and power.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that value comes equally as the physical as proven in the birth and death of each person.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that the systems that exist currently are only able to function in this existence with the platform/foundation of the physical earth.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that the true value of any person is equal, as the physical foundation, in which we are all made, is from the same earth, which is the ultimate value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my self-directive principle and perception of this world to a belief system that arbitrarily assigns value to an entity, when in fact that entity is from the same source and is ultimately of equal value to that of any other entity in equality and oneness.