

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Day 23 - Finding the compass to yourself through a co-worker (Part 2)

When and as I see myself go into judgment of another co-worker, I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that when I judge another, such as my co-worker, I am in fact judging a part of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from.  I see/realize/understand that my co-worker is offering a mirror image of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from and an opportunity now exists to see myself as who I have become.  I commit myself to reflect self back to self through what I see in my co-worker.  I commit myself to stop the continued judgment of any co-worker, and to find those moments where I have in fact done the same as them, so that I can equalize myself with them and change to what is best for all.

When and as I see myself go into fear of offending a co-worker for cutting a conversation short, because I have another engagement. – I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am.  I see/realize/understand that if someone cut off a conversation to go to a previously scheduled engagement, I would completely understand, and respect the person for keeping that commitment.  I see/realize/understand that the completion of a conversation can always be re-scheduled at a later time.  I see/realize/understand that it is important to be on time for any prior engagement. – I commit myself to place myself in the shoes of my co-worker and assess the timeliness of cutting off the conversation.  I commit myself to consider those that I have a previous engagement with and ask myself whether or not it makes sense to be late for that meeting, and if so, explain why to them.  I commit myself to re-schedule the conversation and meet my commitments to the prior engagement.  I commit myself to support myself to stop any fear of cutting the conversation short with my co-worker.

When and as I see myself go into frustration towards another co-worker, when it seems like I have no choice in the matter, and it is messing up my plans – I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that in going into frustration, I am in fact showing myself where I am being self-dishonest and not taking responsibility for the situation that I see myself in.  I see/realize/understand that in those moments I am showing myself that I have accepted and allowed separation within myself and there is an underlying fear that I have not yet seen. – I commit myself to support myself to stop the frustration and any projection of anger to another, in the realization that I am battling with my own internal conflict of separation.  I commit myself to investigate the source of my self-dishonesty, so that I may find the underlying fear and forgive myself for accepting and allowing it, and in turn move forward clear and self-directed.  I commit myself to treat another co-worker or anyone else in this world for that matter, as I would like to be treated.  I commit myself to in moments of frustration, stop, take a deep breath, ask myself how I would like to be treated, and then move forward based on the answer to my question.   I commit myself to see/realize/understand that the time it takes to stop, take a breath, and ask myself how I would like to be treated, is less than the time I would spend going in circles arguing with another person and being consumed by frustrated energy.

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