

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Day 25 - Aspirations for Greatness (Part 2)

This blog is a continuation from Day 24 - Aspirations for Greatness? (part 1)

When and as I see myself go into competition with other co-workers – I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am.  – I see/realize/understand that this competition and comparison in separation with my co-worker stems from an imagination that I created for myself of what job position I was going to be, that was based on an accepted and allowed value system that I had adopted, where a CEO is more valuable, and the janitor is the least amount of value, because their paychecks are different, when in fact, their values as life are valued the same, as proven through the process of birth and death.  I see/realize/understand that my co-workers most likely have had the exact same imaginations where they would also like to climb the corporate ladder to a position of money and power, and if their life is of equal value to mine as shown through the process of birth and death, then their ambitions must also be equal to mine, and so defining my/their ambitions as less than through the character of competition is utterly useless and goes against all foundations of life.  – I commit myself to stop any hostilities and competition towards any other co-workers in order to climb the corporate ladder, in the realization that their life and ambitions are of equal value to mine.  I commit myself to investigate the origins of such a dream creation and stop the movement of myself in self-interest and self-direct myself in that which is best for all, as all life is equal.

When and as I see myself judge another in separation as more or less than me based on the perceived value to the world system/company (job position), I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that the value system that I accept and allow, which is solely based on the amount that the resource can yield in profits to the current world system is not in fact real and is simply a collectively agreed on belief or idea that does not value life in anyway.  I see/realize/understand that if the current abusive valuing system can exist, it can be stopped and replaced with a new system that values all life here equally.  I see/realize/understand that as long as I hold onto this idea/belief of value, that it will continue to exist and abuse will continue.   I see/realize/understand that in the current narrow view that I define myself and others, I place limitations on myself and thus imprison myself and others in this world. – I commit myself to stop defining others in the narrow view of where they fall into the positions of the world system.  I commit myself to treat all as I would like to be treated without prejudice and judgment of them based on their position.  I commit myself to value all life as the physical equally as the most value, and stop the valuing of life based on the ideas/perception/beliefs of value as defined by profits within the world system.

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