Self-commitment statements...
I commit myself to stop the ignorance that I exist as and
instead educate myself on a daily basis of what atrocities are being committed
in this world through reading the news for at least 15 minutes per day.
I commit myself to take personal responsibility for the
suffering and struggle of those born into this world without the support and
assistance that they need to live a life of dignity.
I commit myself to see/realize/understand that I am equal to
and one with every other being in this world, and as such have equal
responsibility for their well-being.
I commit myself to support myself in my process of
re-birthing myself from the physical, so that I may support and assist others.
When and as I see myself despise another person that I perceive
as ‘helping the less fortunate’ for their own self-interest to feel better
about themselves, I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the
expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that in ‘despising’ another
person, I am in fact despising a part of myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to separate myself from.
I see/realize/understand that I have in fact helped the ‘less fortunate’
to feel better about myself, all the while accepting a world that has ‘fortunate’
and ‘less fortunate’ people, instead of doing what must be done to ensure that
all are given the gift of a life with dignity. – I commit myself to stop the
anger and judgment towards others, and accept the reality of my own
self-interest. I commit myself to investigate
and see for myself, the self-interest that exists within myself through what I
see in others as myself in my outer reality. As without, so within.
I commit myself to stop the apathetic nature of myself
towards the plight of those that ‘got the short end of the stick’ and do all
that is neccessary to be done to ensure that all get what is needed to live a
life of dignity.
I commit myself to investigate where the self-interest lies
within myself, through writing and self-forgiveness, and immediately doing
corrective action to change myself to what is best for all, to help contribute
to a world that will be best for all.
I commit myself to doing what is best for all, which
includes daily consistent participation in my own process of re-birthing self
from the physical through the 7 year journey to life blogs, participating in the
Desteni forums, the Desteni I Process and personal research into the current
systems that are in place. I realize
that this process will be met with resistance, and it is my will to breathe in
these times to push through when these resistances arise.