For context refer
When and as I see
myself go into judgment
of another, that I perceive to be an office bully, I stop and I breathe
and I remain in the moment as the expression
of who
I am. - I see/realize/understand
that I have not placed myself in the shoes of the person that I perceive to be
a bully, and do not fully understand the mechanism behind why they may be
acting the way that they are. I see/realize/understand that when I judge
a bully, I am in fact judging
and separating
a part of myself from myself. I see/realize/understand that when in judgment,
I remain separate
from that suppressed
part of myself, which allows the bullying to keep
on continuing. I see/realize/understand that by stopping judgment and separation
from the bully, and placing myself in their shoes, I will be able to
effectively support
the bully to stop any abuse.
- I commit
myself to stop any judgment in the moment of someone that I perceive to be a
bully, so that I can help
effectively support
that person to eventually stop. I commit
myself to not take things personally and place myself in the shoes of one that
I perceive to be a bully in the realization that people aren't just born to be
'bullies'; they are shaped through various experiences
in life.
When and as I see
myself go into a form of anger,
hatred and
spite towards someone that I perceive to be a bully, I stop and I breathe
and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. - I
see/realize/understand that within the anger/hatred/spite,
I am opening the door to being
that in which I despise (which is the bully). I see/realize/understand that
when I react
in anger,
I am showing myself that I am being self-dishonest, and not
see/realizing/understanding that I am or have in fact been a bully/tyrant to
others. I see/realize/understand that when I hate
another, I am in fact hating
a part of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself
from. I see/realize/understand that reacting
in hatred/anger/spite
will actually contribute to prolonging the bullying even more,
because then then the energy
between myself and the bully will charge up,
to bring us to a point of severe consequence.
I commit myself to stop in the moment and breathe, until the anger/spite/hatred
has dissipated, and I am present
in the physical
and self-directing again. I commit myself to remain stable
in the moment, in order to support myself and another in avoiding
any unnecessary consequences.
I commit myself to investigate any further reactions
that I may have around a percieved office bully, and investigate where in my life, I may
have been one myself.
When and as I see
myself starting to 'play' the victim, in believing that I have been 'wronged',
I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am.
I see/realize/understand that when I 'play' the victim, I abdicate my self-directive
principle and give
away my power to direct the situation in a way that is best for all. I
see/realize/understand that playing the victim is cowardly, and is used as an
excuse in not standing up for what is best for all. I see/realize/understand
that 'playing' the victim is done in self-interest
in order to avoid taking self-responsibility in an attempt to villianize the
apparent bully, which has consequences
in further alienating them and ultimately perpetuating the bullying. I
see/realize/understand that playing the victim actually blames the bully for
the way that I feel, instead of accepting
and allowing myself to take responsibility
for the way that I feel. I commit myself to immediately stop any
self-victimization in the moment and take responsibility for the way that I
feel. I commit myself to support myself to remain here
in the moment to help effectively direct the situation and ultimately stop the
cycle of office bullying.
When and as I see
myself go into fear
of being the next target of a bully if I stand
up in the moment, I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the
expression of who I am. - I see/realize/understand that acting in fear is
something that a bully can feed, and gives permission to a bully to continue on
I see/realize/understand that not standing up in a moment, because of fear, shows myself
to myself how I have actually abdicated
my self-directive principle. I see/realize/understand that when I stand up in
the moment and stop the fear,
I will be able to communicate
effectively to the bully that this type of behaviour
is not okay. I see/realize/understand that accepting and allowing fear
separates myself from the bully in the moment, preventing me from effectively communicating
to the bully that this bullying is not acceptable. - I commit myself to stop
any fear in the
moment of being in the cross-hairs of a bully and remaining here,
to effectively direct the situation in a way that is best for all in the
moment. I commit myself to stop the acceptance
and allowance of the perpetuated cycle of abuse and stand up in the moment in
what is best for all.
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