

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Day 49 - IMAGINATIONS of the Hollywood Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

I've never actually been to Hollywood before, but I find myself completely CAPTIV-ated by the place. Hollywood hills in particular and the imaginations I have of it. Whenever I think about it, I go to a place in my mind that seems magical somehow. I want to be there and live there forever. It has an allure, an attraction that I can't quite place. Beautiful people, houses, views, weather, pools, sprawling mansions on mountain tops. The sexiest place in the world.

It's the main home of many hollywood stars as it sits atop a mountain above the largest movie studios in the world, that bring in billions and billions of dollars every year through producing attractive things. They are in the business of making pictures for people to like.

It's strange how I can just so easily go into my imagination and start creating my own alternate reality. And I could do it for hours too. I saw myself looking up where Oprah's home is, where Michael Jackson's house is, and in the process, I start going down the road of looking at actors and actresses and finding out about their juicy personal lives. Mostly what I am gravitated towards is how they have issues and drug problems. And you don't read about regular stuff, like how they took a dump and saw some carrots in it. They are portrayed as 'special' people that don't poo, because 'special' people are only beautiful and talented or on the opposite end, washed up with drug problems. I seem to get sucked in easily to stories where beautiful and talented turn into a heroin addicts. Such a juicy celebrity gossip story.

Going back to 'the hills' though, I see my own fascination with this apparently beautiful place and trying to find and focus on 'the best of the best'. I was literally searching around google earth, trying to pinpoint the absolute best houses with the best views, almost as if to feed my imagination and get closer there. Did it change my reality at all? No, so then what did it do? Well, it made me ignore my own life. It made my own life seem boring and actually a bit sad and depressing. So much greater to let my imagination run wild. Except there's one problem. - I can't escape reality, and so by allowing these imaginations to continue I set myself up for an even harder fall when I snap back to reality. It tells me that feeding my imagination is like taking a drug. Somehow its producing these 'feelings' within myself that are unsustainable and that will create consequences.

The interesting thing is that not only will it create consequences within my own body, but will stretch to my world reality. Because by being so consumed within fantasy and then consumed with the consequences to myself within this fantasy, I basically abdicate my ability to make any sort of change in this world as a whole. By being so wrapped up in myself, I am unable to see beyond the veil, to what's behind the facade of Hollywood or the entire world system that we live in today. There's obviously abuse going on where people are being taken advantage of. All of these 'things' that are somehow a 'thing' in reality like corruption, genocide, poverty, hunger, human trafficking, war, murder are allowed to exist and then I allow myself to basically tune it all out by going deep into my HAPPY world, where none of it exists.

Here's something you can try at home? First go into Google and type in Hollywood. Let your imagination go wild on the subject for 20 minutes. Imagine the stars and the lifestyles of the rich and famous and all of the great things they get to do. Then stop. It might be hard to do, but try your best. Then start searching world poverty and try and let your imagination 'go wild' on that subject for 20 minutes. See how long you last. I'm going to try it myself to see what happens, and if I can actually do it. I'm interested to see what happens.

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