For context - refer
to Day
60 - Winning!
When and as I see
myself go into suspicion of another, distrusting them, I stop and I breathe
and I remain in the moment as the expression
of who I am.
I see/realize/understand
that the suspicion that I have of another in the belief that they are possessed
and will act only in their self-interest
in relation to me, is actually myself that I am seeing
and my own possession
that I am under the influence of where I would only act in self-interest. I
see/realize/understand that in believing that I can not trust another, I am
actually showing to myself that I cannot be trusted
as a being that will do
what is best for all in that moment. I see/realize/understand that in
situations where I am suspicious that another will try to ‘hurt me’ or take
something from me, I am showing to myself how I project my own self-interest of
another, in order to not see myself and the abuse
that I am capable of in that moment. – I commit
myself to see/realize/understand that the suspicion of and judgment
of another as acting in their own self-interest is actually seeing my own
self-interest and self-dishonest nature that I exist as. I commit myself to
stop the blame and judgment
of another as only being self-interested and acting in their own self-interest,
and to instead investigate within myself for where I am or have been possessed
by my own self-interest.
When and as I see
myself go into the fear
of another, in the belief that I need to compete with them to protect what is
mine, I stop and I breathe
and I remain in the moment as the expression
of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that when I start competing with
another, I am really just going into competition with
myself, leading to a consequence
that is abusive
in the
end both to myself and others as myself. I see/realize/understand that by
stopping the competition in fear
that I will be less
than if I lose, will create a win-win situation for all in what is best for
all. I see/realize/understand that living in fear of losing and thus
playing to win in self-interest is more damaging to myself as a whole, than
being able to keep a specific possession that I treasure. I
see/realize/understand that freely letting go of
that possession and stopping competition will release the self-induced
possession that I have accepted
and allowed on myself. I see/realize/understand that in competition, I am limited
in my expression to only very narrow rules of engagement with another, which
are a worse
outcome to myself than if I were to just let go and apparently lose in the
first place. I commit
myself to let go of the belief that I need to compete with another, in the
realization that I am just competing with myself, which will have the consequences
of abuse and a narrow set of rules of engagement, severely limiting expression
and an outcome that is best for all. I commit myself to let go of possessions
and the fear of
losing, in the realization that basing life on
winning and losing, is simply losing, as the starting point is not what is best
for all.
When and as I see
myself go into happiness
(smugness) when making an action that would help
me gain a seemingly competitive advantage over someone, I stop and I breathe
and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. - I
see/realize/understand that the competitive edge that I have seemingly gained,
is really just a competitive edge I have gained over myself, and thus have
created more separation
within myself. I see/realize/understand that the smugness/happiness that I am experience,
is simply one side of a polarity
that actually exists within myself, and shows actual abuse that I have accepted
and allowed towards my physical
and this physical
existence. I see/realize/understand that the experience
of power and control
within the 'successful' outcome of this strategic move,
shows the extent of the power and self-directive principle that I have given
up to the mind.
I see/realize/understand that the competition and conflict
that I see that I have with another person is simply a reflection of the
internal conflict
that exists within myself. - I commit myself to the realization that the feeling
of power and control,
is actually the point where I have given up my total power and control,
and instead opted for abuse of myself and those in this world. I commit myself
to stop and breathe in the moment, in moments of feeling dominating, and get
back to here
in that moment. I commit myself to stop the participation in competing with
others and vying for dominance.
I commit myself to
stop the participation in replaying of memories
(for pleasure) where I apparently was successful in getting power and control
or I did something that I judge
as clever or better than, and instead get back to here
and reality,
in the realization that attempting to replay memories
is the perfect distraction
and the easiest way to perpetuate ignorance and abuse.
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