

Monday, 18 November 2013

Day 21 - Fear of looking stupid at work (Part 2)

When and as I see myself to go into judgment of another that I work with as more than or less than based on the position that I define them in (how much cash they have in their pocket) – I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. – I see/realize/understand that when I judge another as more than or less than based on how I see their position in relation to my own on the corporate ladder, I am in fact placing a limiting definition on them, and at the same time placing limiting definitions on myself and ultimately locking myself into a state of complete denial to life as I only value money at this point and the abuse that it can help propagate.  I see/realize/understand that through defining value and worth of someone based on their position or ‘what they can do for me’, I confirm that I am fully automated and conditioned to only value those that I see can serve my self-interest, which is why those that I see as ‘low on the totem pole’ I value as less than and am not in such fear.   I see/realize/understand that I get scared of talking to those that I see are in more influential positions because I fear that I won’t climb the corporate ladder unless I impress them, and I fear not impressing my superiors or fear my superiors thinking that I am not of value to the company.  I see/realize/understand that I am equal to all of the thoughts/opinions/judgments towards others and when I judge and separate myself from them, I am in fact placing judgment on myself.– I commit myself to stop the judgement of another based on where I see their ‘height’ on the corporate ladder through stopping thoughts towards others in a moment and actually listening and really understanding what they have to say, no matter their position in this system.  I commit myself to investigate all of the ways that I deceive myself into believing that I am ‘better than’ or ‘less than’ another to eventually equalize myself within them in equality and oneness.  I commit myself to treat all others as I would like to be treated and fully consider them to support them and myself as best as possible.  I commit myself to investigate all fears that I have towards my ‘superiors’ and eventually equalize myself with them, to treat them as I would like to be treated, and not as a commodity to help me climb the corporate ladder to become ‘special’.

When and as I see myself go into the fear of another thinking that I am stupid, I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am – I see/realize/understand that if I don’t get clarification on something such as the definition they give to a word or an acronym, I open the door for mistakes and inefficient use of time through miscommunications.  I see/realize/understand that to fully work together with someone and realize the full potential is to walk with a person on the same page.  I see/realize/understand that those to seek to understand another will also be understood and be heard in the end.  I see/realize/understand that the other person would most likely not believe that I was stupid and would in fact appreciate the engagement I was showing in what they were saying by seeking clarification to be on the same page.  – I commit myself to seek to understand another and get clarification on a definition or acronym that I don’t understand.  I commit myself to fully engage with another when they are speaking to me, with the full intent of understanding them and walking with them on the same page here in the moment.

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