

Monday, 20 January 2014

Day 43 - What is Anxiety? (Part 3)

For Context Please refer to:

Self-Commitment Statements on inferiority

When and as I see myself go into anxiety, before a meeting or giving a presentation, I stop and I breathe, and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. - I see/realize/understand that the anxiety is triggered, through creating an expectation of what the outcome will be.  I see/realize/understand that the anxiety is triggered through the fear of the future.  I see/realize/understand that when I accept and allow the fear of something, I am actually manifesting these fears into existence in separation as consequence.  I see/realize/understand that the anxiety is triggered through misplacing my trust in something outside of myself, such as hope or knowledge and information.  I see/realize/understand that when I trust myself here in the moment, I am able to effectively communicate and express myself.  I see/realize/understand that the anxiety is triggered through judging myself as inferior to others, instead of accepting and allowing myself to see/realize/understand that I am equal to and one with all within my world, as they show a part of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from.  I see/realize/understand that I am responsible for triggering the anxiety, and as such I can make the decision in the moment to not accept and allow it.  - I commit myself to use anxiety to show myself where I am still accepting and allowing separation in my world and to investigate the triggers, and release them through self-forgiveness and self-corrective application.  I commit myself to support all others in my world that may experience anxiety, as I would like to be supported.  I commit myself to support myself to stop anxiety in the moment, by stopping and focusing on my breath and toes, until the  anxiety dissipates.  I commit myself to stop the expectations of the outcome in the realization that I barely ever am actually able to gauge the exact outcome of an event before it happens, and so creating an expectation is pointless.  I commit myself support myself to stop anxiety in the moment, by trusting myself in the moment here in the physical, in the realization, that when I am here in the moment, I am able to communicate to another effectively.  I commit myself to support myself to stop axiety in the moment, through stopping the fear of the future, in the realization that the fear of the future is not real, and when I am in fear of the future, I am participating in an alternate dimension in separation of myself.  I commit myself to support myself to stop anxiety through focusing on my breath here, in the realization that I am equal to and one with the thought of those that I judge as more than myself.

When and as I see myself go into the fear of being criticized and exposed by a manager / boss / colleague as having less knowledge because I perceive them to have more experience than me, I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am.  I see/realize/understand that I am equal to and one with that boss / manager / colleague as and within, and they are simply showing a part of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from.  I see/realize/understand that there is an opportunity to learn from the manager / boss / colleague about my craft if I accept and allow myself to remain in the moment and observe and listen to them.  I see/realize/understand that my boss / manager / colleague is made of the same substance that I am, only they are organized in a slightly different manner.  I see/realize/understand that possession of knowledge and information is only temporary, as it dies when the mind dies, yet the physical is here eternally.  - I commit myself to support myself to stay here in the moment, by being here with breath, so that I may equalize myself with all those in my world that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from.  I commit myself to take the opportunity to learn from my boss / colleague / manager by stopping any internal conversations / backchat / thoughts that may arise in the moment and instead remaining present here with them, free of judgment.  I commit myself to see/realize/ understand that in the interest of what is best for all, it is important that I equalize myself with all those in my world.

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