

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Day 45 - What is Anxiety (Part: Secrets to effective communication)

For Context Please refer to:

Self-commitment statements on stopping ways that I sabotage communication

When and I see myself go into an internal conversation within myself  - I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. - I see/realize/understand that the internal conversation shows me that I am currently being directed by fear in separation as it is an outflow where I have abdicated self-responsibility and my self-directive principle to the mind, accepting and allowing the automatic playout as a spectator in the 'hope' that the actual conversation will go as per how the play-out went. I see/realize/understand that by accepting and allowing the play-out of the internal conversation to occur, I trick myself into believing that I have already had the conversation, and that I am on the same page as the other person that I will be talking too, and so when I do have the conversation and communicate with them afterward, it is more difficult because we have started off not on the same page. I see/realize/understand that the voice of the other within the internal conversation is created by my own bias perspective and is not an accurate reflection of the other person's perspective, and thus sends the internal conversation on a tangent that will not reflect reality. I see/realize/understand that I am equal to an one with the internal conversation, and when I see it played out in a manner of conflict, where I am arguing with the other person, it shows me that I am actually in conflict within myself as I am actually arguing with myself. Within this, I see/realize/understand, that when I am in conflict with myself, by the principles of as with / so without, I will end up in conflict in my outside world as well, when I speak to this other person for real in the physical. I see/realize/understand that internal conversations are a self-sabotaging complete waste of time that perpetuate conflict/fear/separation within myself, and ultimately conflict in my outer reality as well. I see/realize/understand that stopping internal conversations within myself and trusting myself to speak with the other person or person(s) in the physical is the most effective way to actually communicate with someone. - I commit myself to stop 'hoping' that a future conversation will go okay, by stopping internal conversation and giving back trust to myself to be able to effectively communicate with someone in the moment as the expression of who I am. I commit myself to stop the external conflict within my external world, through stopping the internal confict within myself by supporting myself to stop internal conversations played out as an extension of my own fear and internal conflict. I commit myself to stop arguing with myself in separation, and investigate the original fear that sparks this argument.

When and as I see myself go into fear of not being able to effectively communicate to others during a presentation I will have to give, or a meeting that I will have to facilitate. - I stop and I breathe and I remain in the moment as the expression of who I am. I see/realize/understand that fear is the only factor that inhibits me from actually communicating to others, as I see/realize/understand that when I am in fear, I jumble my words and can't express myself. I see/realize/understand that by going into the fear of not being able to effectively communicate with others and express myself as who I am, I actually create a self-fullfilling prophesy, where I manifest the experience of not being able to effectively communicate with others because I end up in fear and separation. I see/realize/understand that when I am not in fear, I am able to communicate very effectively in the moment as the expression of who I am, especially on a subject matter that I am very familiar with. - I commit myself to support myself to stop the self-fullfilling prophesy of not being able to communicate with others through the perpetuation of fear, and instead remain in the moment trusting myself that I will be able to express myself, without preparation in the moment as the physical expression of who I am.

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